Supplementary study materials for IB Chemistry SL/HL
"Internal assessment accounts for 20% of the final assessment and this is assessed through a single individual investigation. This investigation may involve a hands-on approach, use of data-bases, modelling, simulation or a hybrid. Student work is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB...
The external assessment of chemistry consists of three written papers. In paper 1 there are 30 (at SL) or 40 (at HL) multiple-choice questions. Paper 2 contains short-answer and extended-response questions on the core (and Additional Higher Level (AHL) material at HL). Paper 3 has two sections; Section A contains one data-based question and several short-answer questions on experimental work on the core (and AHL material at HL). Section B contains short-answer and extended-response questions from each of the four options." (IBO)
★ Stars denote the resources that are—in my opinion—the best.
0. Syllabus
2. IBling Notes
4. HL IB Chem Notes ★
6. Redox Notes
7. Chem Notes ★
Youtube Channels/Online Teachers
1. Richard Thornley ★
1. ChemNinja ★
2. MSJChem ★